Small Business Insurance
Tailor made insurance packages for small businesses
As a start-up or small business owner you have a lot to think about and insurance is generally the last item on the list – even though you know it should be the first.
The early stages of business are crucial and when you will be most vulnerable and exposed to risks.
The ARMA team of senior insurance brokers can talk you through your business exposures and then ensure that you are covered correctly.

What’s included in a Small Business Insurance Pack?
Some types of coverage apply to any business, while others are specific to a particular industry. We will tailor an insurance solution for your business service that can include cover for:
Meeting the needs of small business owners has remained a passion of ARMA Insurance Newcastle, Maitland & Singleton. As a small business ourselves, we get it – you want to get on with growing your business and know that you are protected. Our job is to make sure you are!
We will be with you every step of the way and with our in-house claims team, you know what you can call on us when things do go wrong.
With ARMA in your corner, you can trust that you have the appropriate and necessary insurance solutions in place to give your start-up or small business the best possible chance at success. Phone us on 02 4932 4444.